3.1185 \(\int \frac{(1-2 x) (3+5 x)^3}{(2+3 x)^2} \, dx\)

Optimal. Leaf size=41 \[ -\frac{250 x^3}{27}+\frac{25 x^2}{54}+\frac{55 x}{9}+\frac{7}{243 (3 x+2)}+\frac{107}{243} \log (3 x+2) \]


(55*x)/9 + (25*x^2)/54 - (250*x^3)/27 + 7/(243*(2 + 3*x)) + (107*Log[2 + 3*x])/243


Rubi [A]  time = 0.0180203, antiderivative size = 41, normalized size of antiderivative = 1., number of steps used = 2, number of rules used = 1, integrand size = 20, \(\frac{\text{number of rules}}{\text{integrand size}}\) = 0.05, Rules used = {77} \[ -\frac{250 x^3}{27}+\frac{25 x^2}{54}+\frac{55 x}{9}+\frac{7}{243 (3 x+2)}+\frac{107}{243} \log (3 x+2) \]

Antiderivative was successfully verified.


Int[((1 - 2*x)*(3 + 5*x)^3)/(2 + 3*x)^2,x]


(55*x)/9 + (25*x^2)/54 - (250*x^3)/27 + 7/(243*(2 + 3*x)) + (107*Log[2 + 3*x])/243

Rule 77

Int[((a_.) + (b_.)*(x_))*((c_) + (d_.)*(x_))^(n_.)*((e_.) + (f_.)*(x_))^(p_.), x_Symbol] :> Int[ExpandIntegran
d[(a + b*x)*(c + d*x)^n*(e + f*x)^p, x], x] /; FreeQ[{a, b, c, d, e, f, n}, x] && NeQ[b*c - a*d, 0] && ((ILtQ[
n, 0] && ILtQ[p, 0]) || EqQ[p, 1] || (IGtQ[p, 0] && ( !IntegerQ[n] || LeQ[9*p + 5*(n + 2), 0] || GeQ[n + p + 1
, 0] || (GeQ[n + p + 2, 0] && RationalQ[a, b, c, d, e, f]))))

Rubi steps

\begin{align*} \int \frac{(1-2 x) (3+5 x)^3}{(2+3 x)^2} \, dx &=\int \left (\frac{55}{9}+\frac{25 x}{27}-\frac{250 x^2}{9}-\frac{7}{81 (2+3 x)^2}+\frac{107}{81 (2+3 x)}\right ) \, dx\\ &=\frac{55 x}{9}+\frac{25 x^2}{54}-\frac{250 x^3}{27}+\frac{7}{243 (2+3 x)}+\frac{107}{243} \log (2+3 x)\\ \end{align*}

Mathematica [A]  time = 0.0106505, size = 44, normalized size = 1.07 \[ \frac{-40500 x^4-24975 x^3+28080 x^2+22740 x+642 (3 x+2) \log (3 x+2)+3322}{1458 (3 x+2)} \]

Antiderivative was successfully verified.


Integrate[((1 - 2*x)*(3 + 5*x)^3)/(2 + 3*x)^2,x]


(3322 + 22740*x + 28080*x^2 - 24975*x^3 - 40500*x^4 + 642*(2 + 3*x)*Log[2 + 3*x])/(1458*(2 + 3*x))


Maple [A]  time = 0.005, size = 32, normalized size = 0.8 \begin{align*}{\frac{55\,x}{9}}+{\frac{25\,{x}^{2}}{54}}-{\frac{250\,{x}^{3}}{27}}+{\frac{7}{486+729\,x}}+{\frac{107\,\ln \left ( 2+3\,x \right ) }{243}} \end{align*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.






Maxima [A]  time = 1.14508, size = 42, normalized size = 1.02 \begin{align*} -\frac{250}{27} \, x^{3} + \frac{25}{54} \, x^{2} + \frac{55}{9} \, x + \frac{7}{243 \,{\left (3 \, x + 2\right )}} + \frac{107}{243} \, \log \left (3 \, x + 2\right ) \end{align*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate((1-2*x)*(3+5*x)^3/(2+3*x)^2,x, algorithm="maxima")


-250/27*x^3 + 25/54*x^2 + 55/9*x + 7/243/(3*x + 2) + 107/243*log(3*x + 2)


Fricas [A]  time = 1.69136, size = 128, normalized size = 3.12 \begin{align*} -\frac{13500 \, x^{4} + 8325 \, x^{3} - 9360 \, x^{2} - 214 \,{\left (3 \, x + 2\right )} \log \left (3 \, x + 2\right ) - 5940 \, x - 14}{486 \,{\left (3 \, x + 2\right )}} \end{align*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate((1-2*x)*(3+5*x)^3/(2+3*x)^2,x, algorithm="fricas")


-1/486*(13500*x^4 + 8325*x^3 - 9360*x^2 - 214*(3*x + 2)*log(3*x + 2) - 5940*x - 14)/(3*x + 2)


Sympy [A]  time = 0.101294, size = 34, normalized size = 0.83 \begin{align*} - \frac{250 x^{3}}{27} + \frac{25 x^{2}}{54} + \frac{55 x}{9} + \frac{107 \log{\left (3 x + 2 \right )}}{243} + \frac{7}{729 x + 486} \end{align*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.




-250*x**3/27 + 25*x**2/54 + 55*x/9 + 107*log(3*x + 2)/243 + 7/(729*x + 486)


Giac [A]  time = 2.92006, size = 77, normalized size = 1.88 \begin{align*} \frac{5}{1458} \,{\left (3 \, x + 2\right )}^{3}{\left (\frac{615}{3 \, x + 2} - \frac{666}{{\left (3 \, x + 2\right )}^{2}} - 100\right )} + \frac{7}{243 \,{\left (3 \, x + 2\right )}} - \frac{107}{243} \, \log \left (\frac{{\left | 3 \, x + 2 \right |}}{3 \,{\left (3 \, x + 2\right )}^{2}}\right ) \end{align*}

Verification of antiderivative is not currently implemented for this CAS.


integrate((1-2*x)*(3+5*x)^3/(2+3*x)^2,x, algorithm="giac")


5/1458*(3*x + 2)^3*(615/(3*x + 2) - 666/(3*x + 2)^2 - 100) + 7/243/(3*x + 2) - 107/243*log(1/3*abs(3*x + 2)/(3
*x + 2)^2)